Free Phylogenetic Network Software | Information | Multi-state and Binary data

Example for binary data:

Aligned mtDNA sequences with zero or one different nucleotides per nucleotide position.
mtDNA sequence 1: 16092.T 16111.C 16325.A
mtDNA sequence 2: 16092.T 16111.T 16325.A
mtDNA sequence 3: 16092.T 16111.C 16325.G
These binary data can be imagined to be symbolically written as:
mtDNA sequence 1: 16092.0 16111.0 16325.0
mtDNA sequence 2: 16092.0 16111.1 16325.0
mtDNA sequence 3: 16092.0 16111.0 16325.1

Example for multi-state data:

Aligned mtDNA sequences with more than one different nucleotide at one or more nucleotide positions. (This case is more general than the case of binary data).
mtDNA sequence 1: 16092.T 16111.C 16325.A
mtDNA sequence 2: 16092.T 16111.T 16325.T
mtDNA sequence 3: 16092.T 16111.C 16325.G

Note: An important Network software prerequisite is fully aligned sequence data (the same applies for other phylogenetic software like TCS). Please use the DNA Alignment software for aligning FASTA data and for correctly formatting these into Network binary rdf or Network multi-state rdf files.

Keywords: phylogenetic median network analysis, Roehl, Röhl, Rohl data format